Friday, July 24, 2009

Making a Diffrence--post by Tori Kent

Howdy ya'll from nawlins! ;) We've been enjoying our time down here--meeting new people, opening our eyes to new experiences, learning some New Orlean's vocab from our alummni Paula, and teaching Lisa that there are infact 26 letters of the alphabet, and not 39.

Today we made our way to the convention center, where we were able to participate in a number of fun activities while keeping the love of God and the works that we can do for god on our mind. Kirsten and I started off by going to the "Theater of the Oppressed" which was begging for people to come, so we'd thought we'd get some free candy, and help them out. The theater ended up being how to learn to overcome the opression, and was very interesting but quite frankly was very long. We discreetly exited as we saw that 30 minutes of our time was gone. Next we moved around the center and found a booth with tie dye. We stopped over and learned that we needed to color a postcard and write a note. As our time was running shorter we quickly colored the postcards and moved on. I remember thinking, "Man, we sure went to the wrong stations." I was planning on hitting the charaties, places where I could make a difference. But as I thought about it I realized that I was infact making a difference. We may have been a little bored, but we helped out a congregation and made someone's day by attending their booth. While I've been down here in New Orleans I've been frustrated at the lack of work I've done, but today I learned that it's not the quantity of the work done but the fact that the work is being done. And as 37,000 youth gather in a place where disaster and devastation has struck hardest, I KNOW that we are making a difference and being the hands and feet of Jesus.

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