Monday, July 27, 2009

"Live, Be, and Share Christ"

We are approaching Iowa and I am feeling WRECKED yet a bit reflective. Wrecked only in a physical way, emotionally I am overflowing with a rejuvenated, hopeful, and joyful spirit. This blog has been a fantastic way to put into writing some of what has happened on our journey this week to seek Justice, learn Jazz and feel Jesus.

Hearing from a man who has no legs call to 37000 youth to stand up for change and service in their community as he leaped from his wheel chair to his hands was one of the strongest calls for Justice I have ever experienced.

Jazz, the improvisation of music taught all of us what Jazz meant in our lives and the lives of residents in New Orleans. Improvisation in faith; to meet and love people where they are at; to add the talents, service and passion of others together to be the change of our world is the only way to address the challenges of poverty, disease, disaster, and despair that is in our world. This week was a true call to the world starting with our 37000 teens for a MINGA; a coming together to do work and service for the common good.

I feel so lucky this week to have experienced feeling Jesus. Sitting in the Super Dome to worship this morning I couldn’t help but to think of the images during Katrina of the place we were worshiping; the numbers of people, the panic, the hurt, the pain, the loss, the feeling of hopelessness. Yet all this week the dome was filled with joyous songs, powerful stories of service, magical moments of the spirit working in that place that brought hope and love, it brought to the dome what this week did for my heart and spirit; it brought a reconciliation, a reason to rejoice, an overflowing sense of rejuvenation and joy.

If you were a youth, had a youth or were an adult on this trip you know just how lucky our community is to have such fantastic youth leading our congregation in service. If you are reading just to keep up with someone you know I can assure you from this experience our future in the hands of these youth could not be better.

Thanks you Lisa Kipp for allowing me to be on this journey, your leadership and love for our youth is an inspiration, thank you. To all you youth remember the call of our Bishop to “Live, Be and Share Christ”.

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