Friday, July 24, 2009


Wow... Yesterday was yet another day that moved me in more ways than one but I only want to talk about one... Love, the love that is here in New Orleans is incredible, youth in service, youth in prayer, youth in song, the hugs, high fives and cheers fill the streets, the convention center, hotels and the dome. Yesterday at 7:30 am I learned C.O.D, the Cost of Discipleship. At Agape worship the scripture shared was Matt 25:31-44... "Truly I tell you just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to onto me"... The scripture that talks about feeding, clothing, and providing water to a thirsty Jesus... The premise that we need to look for Jesus in all people and care for everyone as if Christ was standing asking is the Cost of Discipleship, C.O.D. Ok I am going to make this post short the other thing that struck me was during the gathering a few statements grabbed me. They are; Love people where they are at; Love is as strong as death; and offerings we are not worthy of, that are filled with beauty, joy and worth ,which carry us to places we could not imagine, truly is the definition of LOVE. Christ gives us all this...Christ is Love.

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