Saturday, July 25, 2009

A note from Kirsten S.

Hello Fellow Rochesterians!! Today was quite the day. Not only did we have a great service project to throw all of the crazy energy that we have been gathering up into, God was present in many incredible ways. For our project we worked to clean Sebastepol Plantation, built in the 1800s, by hauling debris, gardening, tearing fencework and various other jobs. While working, to the delight of several group members, a storm began a-brewing and soon there were two waterspouts/vortex clouds spinning in front of our eyes. What a way to show God's power. We also visited the Ninth Ward (area hit hardest by Katrina) and as we were walking and taking in the memorial, cars would drive by and honk, thanking us for our presence in "Nawlins" from their cars. Tonights gathering was filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, reaching into every nook and cranny in the Superdome. The theme for tonight was the "Jazz" part of Jesus, Justice, Jazz. Jazz represents us as Christians, because it is an improvisation of musical harmonies from basic musical priciples, based on the situation. Now replace the basic music principles with the lessons learned in the bible, and the impromtu musical harmonies become the reactions that we, as Christians do on the spot in any situation where we are needed, following Jesus's example. A night filled with lessons and great music ended our final night gathering and we all prepare for the 24 hour ride home. Yippee!

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