Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a note from Shandi B.

Many people thought the New Orleans trip would change us, and that came to be true. We all changed in one way or another. We changed by lessons we learned, making new friends, and growing in faith. Who knew that 37,000 people together could help make a difference? Who knew that one person could make a difference?

A huge thank you goes to Lisa for all her hard work. This trip would have not been possible without her. We all thank her for everything. Whether it is to talking about poop, to forgetting the alphabet, to laughing out loud. We all enjoyed everything Lisa :)

To all the chaperones, thank you so much for your help. This trip also wouldn’t have been possible without you also. You all were amazing. I personally thank you all.

To my fellow participants, this week has been amazing. Friendships started, grew, and became better. I was glad to share this whole experience with this group.

All in all, this trip changed my life personally. I was so happy to have gone on this trip. I can’t wait to go out and make a difference in the community.

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